Spring 2025

The St. Louis Rockets Spring Programs are open to all players in the St. Louis region! For infomrmaion on Spring Programming, scroll down for details! To register for programs listed below, click the button to the right.

In addition to the Spring Programs listed below, the Rockets also offer Spring Learn to Play, Spring Learn to Skate with Coach Nola, St. Louis Spring League and Rockets Spring Elite! These programs, and registration information, can be found in the "Programs" tab.

Spring Development

The Rockets Spring Development Programs are open to all Sanint Louis area players who have completed a regular season with any organization, completed a Learn to Play program, or have graduated from the Little Blues. Spring Development will begin the first week of April.


Once a week, for 8 weeks, your player will build on the basics of hockey and will be challenged to push their game to new heights. All aspects of hockey will be covered. Spring Development is an environment for your player to grow their individual skills through skills development and small area games. Please select a time that fits your player's age. You must attend the one you sign up for.

4/1 through 5/22

8U/6U: Tuesdays - 5:30PM @ Creve Coeur Ice Rink

10U: Tuesdays - 6:40PM @ Creve Coeur Ice Rink

10U/8U: Thursdays - 5:40PM @ Creve Coeur Ice Rink

14U/12U: Thursdays - 6:50PM @ Creve Coeur Ice Rink

Cost: $350 per player


Once a week, for 8 weeks, your player will build onto the basics of the goalie position. Goalies will work with the leading goalie instruction company in the region, the Racine Goalie Academy. Goalie training will develop all aspects of the goalie position. Please select a time that fits your player's age. You must attend the one you sign up for.

4/1 through 5/22

8U/6U: Tuesdays - 5:30PM @ Creve Coeur Ice Rink

10U: Tuesdays - 6:40PM @ Creve Coeur Ice Rink

10U/8U: Thursdays - 5:40PM @ Creve Coeur Ice Rink

14U/12U: Thursdays - 6:50PM @ Creve Coeur Ice Rink

Cost: $150 per player

Racine Goalie Academy

The St. Louis Rockets are partnered with the Racine Goalie Academy for a goalie specific training. The Racine Goalie Academy is offered in addition to Spring Development for goalies to develop their skills to the highest level possible. The Racine Goalie Academy will meet for 60 minute sessions, once a week, for 8 weeks and will focus on footwork, technique, and much more! Be sure to sign up quickly as the Racine Goalie Academy sessions are limited to 20 goalies!


Dates: 3/31,4/7, 4/14, 4/21, 4/28, 5/5, 5/12, 5/19

Location: Creve Coeur Ice Rink

Time: 7:05PM

Cost: $350

Checking Clinic

The Rockets offer a 2 hour checking clinic for players moving into the Bantam age classification that will address the basics of body checking, angling, and safety to ensure that your player transitions smoothly into the demands of checking in the 14U age group. Throgh the checking clinic, player will learn the fundamentals of checking to ensure that they know how to protect themselves, and others, from injury.

If your player is participating in or trying out for Spring hockey teams including Central States, Rockets Elite, or High School B League this is a great opportunity to become prepared for body contact! The Rockets checking clinic will be run by Mike Richards and a veteran MIOHA Referee who explain to players what referees look for, in regards to checking, when officiating games where checking is allowed.


March 3rd - 5:55PM at Creve Coeur Ice Rink

March 4th - 5:30PM at Creve Coeur Ice Rink (Spring Elite tryout will be right after)

Cost: $80

Transition to Full Ice

The Rockets Transition To Full Ice is open to all Saint Louis Players who have completed an 8U regular season with any organization, completed a Learn to Play program, or have graduated from the Little Blues.

If your player was born in 2016, or your player is brand new to hockey, this is a great opportunity to learn the basics of hockey on full ice! Players will learn the basics of offsides, icing, penalties, different positions, differences in various "zones" of the game, "hockey lingo", and much more! Don't miss out on this opportunity before Spring League games start!


March 11th - 5:30PM at Creve Coeur Ice Rink

March 13th - 5:40PM at Creve Coeur Ice Rink

Cost: $80

Power Skating


Power skating is a 4 week program that will focus on all facets of skating from edge work, explosiveness, balance, agility and power through a series of specifically designed drills. Skaters will develop a more explosive and longer stride, learn to trust their edges, and will be challenged to become better skaters each session. Power skating is an excellent way to build the skating skills and confidence needed to excel at the sport of hockey!

Power skating sessions will be skating intensive, with very little, if any, stick handling or shooting included.

Open to 6U-14U players (2011 birth year and later) 

Prerequisite: Players must have completed a Learn to Play session.

Session #1

Day: Sunday Mornings

Dates: 3/30 to 4/20

Location: Creve Coeur Ice Rink

Time: 7:50 AM

Cost: $175

Session #2

Day: Sunday Mornings

Dates: 4/27 to 5/18

Location: Creve Coeur Ice Rink

Time: 7:50 AM

Cost: $175

Spring 2025

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